Monday, May 2, 2011

Updated Management & Budget Sheets

The new management sheet.

The new budget preparation after consultation and supplementary studies

Preset TWO

Preset one / 1 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 2 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 3 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 4 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 5 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 6 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 7 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 8 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 9 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Preset one / 10 - Using curvy shapes and lines along with supporting strokes, and a set of color scheme of green, black and blue to express the theme of comfortable environment.

Supplementary Studies

Work places: the psychology of the physical environment in offices and factories
By Eric D. Sundstrom, Mary Graehl Sundstrom

Person-environment psychology: new directions and perspectives
By W. Bruce Walsh, Kenneth H. Craik, Richard H. Price

Psychology and the aesthetics of the built environment
By Arthur Earl Stamps

Preset ONE

Preset one / 1 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 2 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 3 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 4 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 5 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 6 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 7 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 8 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 9 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Preset one / 10 - Using curvy shapes with strokes and a set of color scheme under the theme of comfortable environment to experience this new practice.

Real-time Visualization Test 5

Milkdrop 2.1 is a plugin software from Winamp for real-time visualizations.
Using the colors which have defined more comfortable due to our survey which are being released like a spray.

Real-time Visualization Test 4

Milkdrop 2.1 is a plugin software from Winamp for real-time visualizations.
An experimental visualization practice.

Real-time Visualization Test 3

Milkdrop 2.1 is a plugin software from Winamp for real-time visualizations.
Evaluation of our previous visualization. The color are picked regarding our survey, which where define as black, green, and blue.

Real-time Visualization Test 2

Milkdrop 2.1 is a plugin software from Winamp for real-time visualizations.
Curvy shapes are used as they happen to be more comfortable for the people whom participated our survey.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Management Chart

Management Chart for our Urbanize project

Artist Impression

Urbanize is a real-time sound to visualization installation project. The environmental sounds of FCM Cafe will be moved to another space (ground floor below K-Space) with visualization that will create a more comfortable environment.

Through this experience, the environment of FCM Cafe will be transitioned into a more comfortable environment. The visualizations mainly consists of shapes and colors.

Real-time Visualization Test

Using Milkdrop 2.1 to adjust our presets for real-time visualization.
In this video descriptions are provided in details to show how the visualization is done.

Idea Development for the Installation

Top angle view of the installation (FCM Cafe and Ground Floor below K-Space)

The connection from the microphone(input),
to the PC/laptop(processor),
and to the projector(output).

How our projector will be installed

Description of the microphone and the connections to the microphone

Connection flowchart

Milkdrop 2.1

Programming with Milkdrop 2.1

The Program
MilkDrop is the next generation of music visualizer. First written in 2001, its popularity seemed to only grow as more and more people explored its possibilities and made increasingly amazing content for it. However, in 2007 I gave it a major update, opening it up to the power of pixel shaders - flexible programs written to run on modern GPUs that can result in spectacular imagery and special effects.

MilkDrop's content is comprised of presets. Each preset has a certain look and feel, created by a dozen or so short pieces of computer and/or shader code, as well as several dozen variables that can be tuned. Users can play with MilkDrop to create their own new presets, even writing new computer or shader code on-screen, while they run the preset and see the effects of their changes. This has spawned a large community of people authoring many thousands of presets, creating new visuals and making it react to the music in ways that I never dreamed of. Mainly thanks to this preset authoring community, MilkDrop continues to evolve to this day.

The original MilkDrop is open-sourced over at SourceForge.

The 2007 update is called "MilkDrop 2" but is the same program. All MilkDrop 1 presets are compatible with MilkDrop 2. However, many new features were added. Foremost, the addition of pixel shaders allows dozens, even hundreds of complex instructions to be executed for every pixel on the screen, every frame. Other new features include jpg textures, gaussian blurring, a preset "mash-up" feature, and (finally) a prest "back" button.

MilkDrop 2 works with any graphics processor, but to enable all of the cool effects, you need a GPU that can run Shader Model 3 or greater.

Testing it in real-time

The code of the visualization

Survey Results (2nd Part)

This survey was created on the 9th of April 2011 and ended 5 days after on the 14th of April 2011.The survey is divided to 2 parts where the 1st part were basic personal questions like age and gender. The 2nd part consists of more detailed questions such as colors and shapes that are comfortable.

Here are the results of the 2nd part of the survey:

Most people think that FCM Cafe is not comfortable

Most people have been asked to leave the cafe

Most people think that green, black and white is comforting

Most people like curved shapes

Survey Results (1st Part)

This survey was created on the 9th of April 2011 and ended 5 days after on the 14th of April 2011.The survey is divided to 2 parts where the 1st part were basic personal questions like age and gender. The 2nd part consists of more detailed questions such as colors and shapes that are comfortable.

Here are the results of the 1st part of the survey :

Most of the people who took our survey are between the age of 21-25

We got mostly male

Most of them are students

Student : 26 FCM/4 FOM/ 3 FOE/ 2 FIT
Lecturer : 2 FCM

Most people go FCM Cafe seldomly or twice a week

Most people visit FCM Cafe to eat and drink

Most people stay in FCM Cafe from 16-30 minutes

Most people go to FCM Cafe with group of friends.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Budget Preparation

As we have stated in our proposal, our intention is to create a new environment which is comfortable. Hence we are making conceptual living room using shapes and colors.
Hence we came out with the idea to create cubic shapes to represent this new environment which are defined as below, along with the quantity of boxes needed to be built:

Coffee table x 1
Speakers x 2
Sofa x 1
Standing lamp x 2
LCD monitor x 1

Functional Specification Worksheet

Description: Transition (Sound – Visual)

Person in charge: Chin Weijie (Jason), Pouyan Mohseninia

Media Elements/content:
1. Text/description: None
2. Images/graphics: None
3. Video: None
4. Animation: Shapes and colors change according to the environmental sound at FCM café, FCM, MMU.
5. Sound: Playing the ambience sound of FCM café, FCM, MMU

Navigation controls and icons: None

Gantt Chart

Week two
Tuesday / mind maps
Wednesday / mind maps
Thursday / Draft proposal
Friday / sketches

Week three (Stage one)
Monday / Sketches
Tuesday / first presentation
Wednesday / Research
Thursday / Research
Friday / data collection

Week four (stage two)
Monday / facts finding
Tuesday / second presentation
Wednesday / Research
Thursday / Research
Friday / data collection

Midterm brake
Friday / survey questionnaire
Saturday / survey questionnaire, Gantt chart,
Sunday / survey questionnaire, Functional specification worksheet

Week five (stage three)
Monday / budget preparation
Tuesday / third presentation
Wednesday / interior design (conceptual)
Thursday / interior design (conceptual)
Friday / interactive installation storyboard
Sunday / interior design (conceptual)

Week six
Monday / interior design (conceptual), programming (interactive design), testing
Tuesday / fourth presentation
Wednesday / interior design (conceptual), programming (interactive design)
Thursday / interior design (conceptual), programming (interactive design)
Friday / Presentation planning (diagram), interior design (conceptual)
Saturday / trouble shooting, interior design (conceptual)
Sunday / trouble shooting

Week seven
Monday / final testing
Tuesday / final presentation, presentation & teamwork

Survey Questionnaire

This is the questionnaire that we did for out installation art "Urbanize".
We would appreciate it if you could take a little time to fill out this short survey.
The survey is divided in to 2 part :

Part one:

Part two:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Concept & Idea Development

We experimented with the audio we recorded from the FCM Cafe and we got these results.